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German Companies Face Challenges in Hiring Migrant Workers Due to Cumbersome Bureaucracy

In light of a recently implemented immigration law in Germany, domestic companies are encountering significant obstacles when it comes to recruiting skilled migrant workers. The nation's cumbersome bureaucratic processes have become a major hindrance, thwarting the hiring plans of various firms. Despite the pressing need for foreign expertise to fill the shortage of skilled labor in Germany, companies find themselves grappling with the complexities of the bureaucratic machinery. The new immigration law, aimed at streamlining the hiring process for migrant workers, has failed to deliver on its promises due to persistent administrative challenges. German companies, eager to tap into the global talent pool, are confronted with an array of time-consuming procedures. These burdensome requirements demand extensive paperwork, intricate documentation, and prolonged waiting periods, adding further delays to the already protracted recruitment process. As a result, firms find themselves const

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